International Summer Academy Venice
Every September since 1982, architecture students and teaching staff from the faculty have set off south. The destination is Venice and the intention: to study the structure, space and appearance of this magnificent city and metropolis of European culture. After all, training to become an architect is primarily about training and promoting spatial sensitivity. As an intellectual and emotional experience of space, it is an essential prerequisite for designing architectural spaces. Architectural studies on site and at places of fine architecture have therefore always been of great importance. Moreover, encounters and dialog with a city like Venice challenge the mind and senses, they stimulate and inspire the imagination and fantasy of the students. Together with the partner university of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV), the Venice International Summer Academy was officially founded in 1992. Students and lecturers from other universities, including those from Prague, Hamburg, Turin and London, have been and continue to be guests at the two-week workshop in Venice. The workshop is accompanied by visits, excursions to the surrounding area of Venice and guest lectures by renowned architectural personalities.
The International Summer Academy Venice is held annually in September with a preparatory seminar in the summer semester, which is held in turn by the chairs of architecture in the faculty. This year, the GTA Chair has been entrusted with the organization of the Summer Academy.