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Problems? Suggestions? Criticism?

The Faculty has set up the Teaching Quality Assurance and Complaints Management Committee as the central committee for quality management. The commission meets at regular intervals and has the following tasks:

• Developing proposals for improving the quality of teaching
• Carrying out regular teaching evaluations
• Contact person for students in terms of complaints management

The commission evaluates the correct implementation of the content-related, organizational and examination-related aspects of the degree programmes. It also advises on measures to improve the study situation at the faculty. In doing so, it is in close contact with the Dean of Studies and the study coordinator, the teaching staff and, above all, the members of the student council.

Another task of the committee is to select and analyze the results of the courses to be evaluated each semester. The committee ensures that lecturers discuss the results of the teaching evaluation with their students and also holds personal discussions with lecturers who have repeatedly received poor ratings. The teaching evaluation results are published on the Dean's Office notice board.

The committee also considers complaints management to be an important task. To this end, an open consultation hour is offered every semester, during which students can talk to members of the committee about the teaching and examination situation within the degree course. Students also have the opportunity to communicate their criticism and suggestions for improvement to the committee at any time by a) contacting or writing to the committee members directly and personally, b) sending an e-mail to the following address: or c) alternatively writing an anonymous complaint in the box provided here:

Every complaint is of course treated confidentially, taken seriously and, above all, conscientiously analyzed. Problems that can be solved immediately are dealt with without delay. In the case of fundamental criticism of e.g. structural problems within the degree program, the committee discusses the substantive points and initiates the next steps and necessary measures to improve the situation. In all cases, the committee will provide feedback - in the case of personal complaints, this will also be done in person; in the case of anonymous complaints, feedback will be posted online in a timely manner. You can only access the feedback page with the following access data: Username = complaint / Password = feedback.