Graduation ceremony 2024

This year's graduation ceremony of the department took place on November 22, 2024. More than 150 graduates from the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in Architecture and Urban Planning, Civil Engineering and Real Estate and Construction Management came together to celebrate their degrees. Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mike Gralla began by welcoming all the guests. The ceremony was introduced by a motivating speech by Dr. Thomas Wilk, the District President of the City of Cologne. The department's faculty then presented the certificates, accompanied by the sounds of the Comodo string quartet.
Awards and prizes
A total of eight graduates were awarded best of the year prizes for their outstanding achievements in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs.
Several sponsorship prizes were also awarded for particularly good work: The Prix de Bouvard et Pécuchet 2024, a travel grant for field research in Europe, was awarded for outstanding interdisciplinary coursework in Project 2 on the Bachelor's degree course by the Chair of Building Construction.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mike Gralla presented the Alumni Award for excellent interdisciplinary collaboration in the Dortmund Model in Project 3.
The Instone Study Prize for the best P3 investment proposal in the Dortmund Model on the topic of "EXHIBITING" and the Drees + Sommer Prize for the best Master's thesis with a focus on real estate management and construction operations were both presented by Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Ivan Čadež were awarded and presented.
Convivial finale
After the official part of the event, a reception was held in the Rudolf Chaudoire Pavilion. Here, the graduates, their families and the professors had the opportunity to toast the successes of the past years.
The department would like to congratulate all graduates and wish them every success and all the best for the future.