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Artificial intelligence in teaching at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

At TU Dortmund University, the use of artificial intelligence is opening up new paths for architecture and civil engineering. Innovative teaching…

The Technical University of Dortmund mourns the loss of Prof. Dr. Horst Georg Schäfer (* 28.02.1936 † 12.02.2025)

We mourn the loss of our colleague Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Georg Schäfer Prof. em. for Reinforced Concrete Construction at the Department of…

Churches concern us all!

Churches shape cities and offer space for community. The event on February 24, 2025 at the Baukunstarchiv NRW in Dortmund will discuss their…

Lightweight vaults made of natural stone? The pavilion made of load-bearing stone elements

Baunetz Campus reports on the result of an interdisciplinary project that was developed as part of the "Material and Construction" seminar series at…

Review: Stay Lecture by Prof. Dr.-Ing Hartz

Inspiring insights into a career "from the gut"

Symposium: Networked Inventory - Monument Recording in the 21st Century

at the Kunstmuseum Bochum on March 19, 2025 from 9:00 am.

Invitation to the vernissage at the Baukunstarchiv

The Chair of Building Materials and the Baukunstarchiv invite you to the opening of the interactive exhibition "Natural Stone Buildings" on January…

Professor Dr. Willems appointed to the cathedral building commission of St. Victor's Cathedral in Xanten

After a long period of scientific cooperation at St. Victor's Cathedral in Xanten, Prof. Dr. Willems is delighted to have been involved in the…

Invitation to the vernissage at the Baukunstarchiv

The Baukunstarchiv invites you to the opening of the exhibition "Bohrungen/Drillings" on January 16!

STAY. Lecture

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hartz

Open consultation hours WS 2024/25

Monday, 13.01., 11:00, GB II, Room: 111

Graduation ceremony 2024


Go Lecture Professor Ungermann

On November 26, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Ungermann concluded his many years of service at our department in a convivial atmosphere.

DOMO Award 2024

Award ceremony for particularly team-oriented working methods at project 3.

Review: 50th anniversary celebration, ceremony and symposium

A retrospective report on the festive event on November 8th

Excursion to Antwerp

On October 11, the Chair of Urban Design went on an excursion and site visit to Antwerp.

4th Bau-World-Cafe on 29.10.2024

Sustainably innovative - The Chair of Construction Operations and Construction Process Management and the Bauindustrieverband NRW invite you to the…

25 years at TU Dortmund University

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mike Gralla celebrates 25 years of service!

Study Abroad Evening

Information event | Date brought forward: 15.30

COMING. Lecture

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Ballestrem

Exhibition 2024

This year's exhibition opens on October 7 at 5:30 pm.

Semester opening

The winter semester 2024/25 starts on October 07!

Review: Summer Academy Venice

Students from our department joined students from other European universities at this year's summer academy to analyze the origins of Venice.

Students build tiny houses for garage roofs

ARD's Lokalzeit reports on the Tiny House project

Photo exhibition at the Baukunstarchiv NRW

Architectural photographer Detlef Podeh invites you to the exhibition and vernissage on September 5.

Deutschlandstipendium at TU Dortmund University: Apply by September 15, 2024!

TU Dortmund University is once again awarding Germany Scholarships to high-achieving and committed students. The application phase runs from August 15…

Student competition at the Chair of Urban Design decided

Students of the "Traffic Planning" seminar have developed innovative redesign proposals for traffic areas in Werne. The best concepts were awarded…

Visit to Minister Ina Brandes

Visit to Minister Ina Brandes

Deanery election 2024

Congratulations on the re-election of the deanery

Review: Guest lecture by Carles Oliver

Guest lecture by Carles Oliver - "Sandstone, old wood and neptune grass - collective research for a new model"

Completed Key Lecture series: A review

At the end of the semester, Alexandre Theriot gave the last key lecture of this year's lecture series "Architecture in Discourse" on Tuesday, June 18.

Participation in the 19th German Concrete Canoe Regatta

As part of the WPF Construction with Textile Concrete, students designed and built two competition-class concrete canoes to take part in the 19th…

Opening of the Laboratory for technical building equipment

A new laboratory for technical building equipment at TU Dortmund University offers students practical insights into modern technology. The laboratory…

Gehen lecture Suselbeek

On June 11, 2024, Professor Wouter Suselbeek gave the GEHEN lecture in the Doric Hall

Study status interviews | Module 114 and 305

11-12.07.24 | Link to the Moodle course for appointment booking

open consultation

24.06.2024 | 11.00 Do you have any suggestions, questions or complaints about your studies?

Construction Industry Day 2024

Last Wednesday, Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mike Gralla took part in the Construction Industry Day 2024.

Scholarship Day and telephone scholarship consultation hours

Which scholarship is right for me? How do I apply? What are the benefits of a scholarship? These and other questions will be answered in detail at the…

Award of the Deutschlandstipendium

Dear readers, We would like to congratulate all the winners of this year's Deutschlandstipendium. We wish all scholarship holders all the best and…

Guest lecture Tata Steel

Dear students and faculty members, The Chair of Steel Construction is pleased to announce a guest lecture by Tata Steel. On June 5, Daniel Strötgen,…

Opening of TGA laboratory

Dear faculty members, On June 20, 2024, the TGA laboratory at Nortkirchenstraße 99 in Dortmund will open at 3 pm. We would be delighted to welcome…

Excursion to Spenner cement works

Together with the Chair of Construction Materials, interested students were able to visit the Spenner cement plant in Erwitte. After a short…

Walking lecture Prof. Suselbeek

Dear students and faculty members, on 11.06.24 at 6 p.m. the walking lecture by Mr. Suselbeek will take place in the Doric Hall in GB I. You are…

Cross-faculty lectures

Dear readers, on 24.04.2024 the cross-faculty lectures will take place in the middle zone in GB II in the middle zone.

Guest lecture from practice 14.06.24

Mr.. Dr. Schulte Holthausen from the company Ardex GmbH will give his lecture on 14.06.2024 under the title "Application areas of mineral binders"

Guest lecture from practice 30.04.24

Dr. Meyer from Deutscher Ziegelindustrie e.V. will give his lecture on 30.04.2024 under the title "Worth knowing about brick masonry"

Consultation hours canceled 15.04.2024

Dear students, the consultation hour with Mr. Groß-Bölting on 15.04.2024 is canceled.

Review of the semester introduction

Dear students, Here is a short review of the semester introduction on 08.04.24. We hope you had a good start to the summer semester 2024 and wish you…

Semester introduction summer semester 2024

Dear students, the opening event for the summer semester 2024, for all degree programs of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, will…

Excursion WPF Bridge Construction

Dear readers, In the course of the WPF Bridge Construction (aimed at all engineering specializations), which deals specifically with the construction…

Congratulations on the appointment of Prof. Matthias Ballestrem

Dear Readers, The faculty congratulates Prof. Matthias Ballestrem on his appointment as professor at the Technical University of Dortmund. Prof.…

12th International Spring Academy

How can inner-city department stores and their surroundings be revitalized through alternative concepts? Around 60 students from TU Dortmund…

The Technical University of Dortmund mourns the loss of Professor Gunter Standke (* 04.03.1945 † 05.12.2023)

Prof. Gunter Standke joined the former University of Dortmund in 1997 as Professor of Design and Building Construction. Until his retirement in 2010,…


BDB Student Award 2024 | Participation only possible until 29.02.2024!

All students of architecture and civil engineering as well as young professionals up to two years after graduation are eligible to participate.…

ada - Future Scholarship


40 years Detlef Podehl

Dear readers,

On 31.01.24, Mr. Detlef Podehl was honored for his 40th anniversary of service. The Faculty congratulates him warmly and looks forward…


Presentation of certificate Dr. Kai Schild

Dear readers,

On 31.01.24, Dr. Kai Schild was awarded the title of Associate Professor in recognition of his impressive achievements and outstanding…


WUS Sponsorship Award 2024

Dear graduates,

As part of the National Action Plan of the UN Agenda 2030, the World University Service (WUS) German Committee honors theses that…


GEHEN lecture Review

Dear readers, on 16.01.24, the GEHEN lecture by Prof. Dr. Ing. Reinhard Maurer entitled "Ingenieurbaukunst" took place in the Doric Hall. This marked…


Study status talks winter semester 2023/24

Dear students,

from 14.02. to 15.02.2024 the study status talks will take place. You can now register for the designated Moodle course (…


Review of the 2023 graduation ceremony

Dear students, dear readers, dear graduates,

On November 24, the Faculty held its annual academic graduation ceremony with the presentation of…


GEHEN lecture Review

Dear readers, On 28.11.23 the GEHEN lecture by Prof. Dr. nat. tech. Panagiotis Spyridis took place.


Dear students, The Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering will be on winter vacation from 23.12.23 to 07.01.24 inclusive.

Online consultation on 16.11.23 by Laura Pfohl

Dear students,

on Thursday, 16.11.23, Laura Pfohl's office hours will only take place online after prior registration.


The Faculty mourns the loss of Professor Dr.-Ing. Atilla Ötes (* 30.01.1953 † 21.10.2023)

Prof. Atilla Ötes joined the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering at TU Dortmund University in 1997 as Professor of Structural Design. After…


Innovation Congress | Digital Planning, Building & Operation

On November 30, Digital Findet Stadt will once again welcome decision-makers from the fields of planning, construction and operation to the Innovation…


31st Family Business Career Day

On November 10, 2023, the 31st Family Business Career Day will take place in the new "Viega World" in Attendorn. Over 50 leading family businesses


aac architecture workshop

The aac is sponsored by the gmp foundation, which was founded in 2007 with the aim of supporting the education of young architects. The courses…


POSTPONED Study Abroad | Information evening on studying and lecturer mobility abroad

Dear professors

dear colleagues

dear students,

As every year, we are organizing an information event on the topic of studying and lecturer mobility…


Female students from STEM fields wanted

Dear female students,

The mentoring project "MinTU Girls at TU Dortmund University" will enter the next round in 2024. We are looking for female…


Psychological counseling WiSe 2023/24

Dear students,

in the winter semester 2023/24 there are again good offers to support you in psychological student counseling

Offers are planned on…


Career portal nuclear technology

Dear students and doctoral candidates,

On November 4th, thecareer portal for students will take place in the event center of the Ruhr-University…


SCHÖCK BAU Innovation Award

Dear Master's graduates,

The Schöck Bau Innovation Prize is being awarded again this year.

Every year, three innovative master's or diploma theses…


Construction Careers Day NRW

Dear students,

the Construction Industry Careers Day NRW will take place on Monday, 18.10.23 in the Histortische Stadthalle Wuppertal. 45 of the top…


Bootcamp heat planning 23.-25.11.23

Attention students of energy, environmental and supply engineering, urban planning or similar!

Would you like to get involved in the energy and heat…


Congratulations on the appointment of Prof. Dr. Ing-Marcus Ricker

Dear Readers,

The faculty congratulates Prof. Dr. Ing-Marcus Ricker on his appointment as professor. In future, Prof. Ricker will head the "Concrete…

Photo of Prof. Richer with certificate in his hands

A different way to play Lego

Researchers are working on new materials that have amazing properties: They can absorb noise or inhibit vibrations. However, these "metamaterials"…


Learning from Pompeii

As part of the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme Learning From Pompeii, five students from Dortmund took part in a workshop in Naples, where they…

Photo of the BIP participants

Open Monument Day

Dear students,

The nationwide Open Monument Day will take place on September 10, 2023.

With an extensive program, the Landschaftsverband…

Photo of the city of Münster from above

8th VDI conference on the future of bridge modernization

Dear students and faculty members on 28 and 29.11.23 the 8th VDI conference on the topic "Future program bridge modernization" will take place. Prof.…

schwarz weiß Bild einer Brücke im Wasser

Forum Stadtbaukultur 26.06

Dear students, the Chair of Urban Design will present the chair on 26.06.23 at the Baukunstarchiv.

Habilitation lecture 14.06.23

On 14.06.2023, at 11 a.m., the habilitation lecture by Dr. Karin Berkemann entitled "Architekturexport. The Kibbutz Concept between Bauhaus and Nazi…